Numerous studies have already shown that cannabidiol can successfully support weight loss. In contrast, in the case of pathological obesity, the so-called obesity, taking CBD alone is not enough.

First and foremost, the background to obesity must be known, because obesity can be equated with an addiction disease. Usually this happens in the context of a metabolic disorder.
So far there have been two important findings on this. CBD can help with addiction diseases, so that it can also be used in obesity, because the active ingredient can significantly improve the disease.
For people with obesity, the body mass index (BMI) is calculated first.

This can be determined by dividing the body weight in kilograms by the height in centimeters and multiplying this result by 2.
The result provides information as to whether the person is in the normal range, in the range of overweight or even in the range of obesity, although differences must be made according to age and gender.
Too high creates an enormous burden on the organs.

If the sugar intake is too high, the pancreas has to work harder to ensure that enough insulin is produced at all times and the blood sugar level remains constant. Sooner or later, this can lead to insulin resistance, which can subsequently lead to type 2 diabetes.
This can lead to dysfunction of the mitochondria. The result is that inflammation increases in the body, which in turn leads to an inhibition of the function of the organs. At the same time, with increasing weight, the body also accumulates more and more fat, which also presses on the organs.
Here help can come from the active ingredient CBD, because the cannabidiol has been shown to inhibit the absorption of sugar in the cells.
This ensures that less sugar is converted to fat, which builds up in the body. However, you have to know that cannabidiol is not enough to protect yourself against obesity. Obese people need to be willing to change their diet and exercise more.
What should you watch out for when losing weight with CBD?

Many now probably think that you take a few drops of CBD oil every day and the pounds are falling off. But it is not that simple. The active ingredient should rather be seen as a supplement, because you can only lose weight in the long term with a good dose of discipline and a good degree of personal responsibility. In any case, this includes:
- Sufficient exercise
- A healthy and balanced diet
- The intake of sufficient water

If you really want to lose weight, you should change your daily diet to healthy and low-calorie foods that are balanced. Realizing this is actually worse for many than integrating sufficient exercise into everyday life.
CBD can reduce the feeling of hunger, so you have a good chance here to tackle the change in diet.
If you also provide your body with sufficient fluids, you are much less hungry and can perform better in sports. Sport shouldn’t be neglected if you want to lose weight. A healthy mix of strength and endurance sports is ideal in this case.